We have owned him since he was 1 day old. Very sweet disposition and will come to you in the field as you walk into the field or come to the fence if you…
$12,000In this video, is CD's Poker Night. She is by MCF Cannon's Destiny and out of Poker Night. She is a Kentucky mountain horse. Silver Dapple Color. She…
$6,500He is 6 years old. He is a really good broke horse and has been used on wagon trails. He is a wonderful little trail horse.
$5,500This is a super nice mare. Her name is Priscilla. aka Prissy. She's 15 years old and 14.2 hands. Trail or rail with this one ? She is currently available…
$4,200This is Smokey. He is a gaited trail horse. He is 15 years old and 15 hands. He is a sweet horse that does like to be petted on. Good on the trails…
$3,750She is a super broke mare. Sweet horse. She stands still to get on. Good with traffic, dogs, cats, other horses and chickens. Good gaited mare. Really…
$4,500This is Big Al. He is a super sweet, calm trail gelding. He has only 5 weeks training on him so far. He is doing super! Very smart horse. He is very…
$5,500This is Bud. He is an excellent trail horse. He has a great handle on him. Backs up with ease and he does know how to side pass. Very good, smooth…