Candy is a lovable quiet mare. You can slide off her butt or stand on her. She is a horse you can do back flips off of. My web site has a video of you…
$10,00014 yr old grade bay mare Cow bred mare. Proof of age and branded by a previous owner. Stands 14hh and stout enough to feel like you aren’t riding a pony…
$3,5002022 AQHA Sorrel Gelding 20 rides this spring. W/t/l rode out of the arena once. Has been in the pasture since Built compact and strong UTD shots,…
$4,500SC Izumi Varteni "Zumi" (HAHR registration pending) (SC Bo Rhapture x SC Champagne Kisses) 2023 Half Arabian Buckskin Filly (Spotted Mountain Horse/Saddlebred…
$6,500SC Belle Rhapsody is the last one on our 2024 list! While we're still being very picky about a future home for miss Rhapsody, our main wish list for a…
$6,500Beautiful and smart almost 2 year old filly. AQHA and APHA registered . Born March 5th, 2023. Sire is athletic, Sire's grandsire (Mr. Poco Blackburn…
$4,000AQHA weanling filly, flashy, sorrel with 4 white socks and blaze, flaxen mane and tail. quite and likes attention. She does have some roan hair.
$3,000Weanling AQHA Red Roan filly, leads ties , easy to catch