Micro Newborn Jack Donkey Adorable Super Tiny ☆W 2 Dwarf Goats

Donkey Colt

De Leon Springs, FL

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Simply adorable chestnut brown chocolate with champagne markings - he's a month old - natural nursing on his mummy - super healthy - bonded immediately with his mummy and us his grand parents- he's amazing and loves to come right up to you and give you kisses

Vet coming out within week to pull Coggins and check him over he's already eating solid foods and is a fast as lighting loves to play and he's really likes the teen goats dwarfs that he is in with all best Buddy's

Package for him 1 micto jack donkey and his 2 dwarfs goats (goats can breed) all three for $4500 ?

Specializing Mini Equine trained with natural Horsemenship

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