I am a natural horsewoman, equine body worker and a pa’u rider from hawaii. As such, I move with my horse, for the horse. From pre ride groom, to…
Shire Horses, and Driving ponies Driving and trail training, Exhibition, performances, breeding, lessons, sales, sidesaddle.
Andalusian/Pura Raza Española horse breeding farm focused on morphology, movements, and overall improvement of the breed.
20 acre ranch where we raise, train and sell Brazilian gaited saddle horses, Mangalarga Marchador horses, where we board and train other horses of…
All the details of the facilities have been taken care of, professionally equipped stables, a spectacular picadero, and a great sense of understanding…
Dressage Training and Sale Horse services now located in New Braunfels Alexandria, head trainer at Baroque Equus and Former dressage rider and performer…
I raise Azteca and andalusian horses.
We are a small farm breeding show quality Andalusians, Iberian Warmbloods (Andalusian crosses), Freisians and crosses, and Spanish Normans. Our breeding…