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Innova Dynamic Safety Stirrups

Innova Dynamic Safety Stirrups

The Innova Riding Dynamic Safety Stirrups are an innovative design that blend performance with safety and style, equipped with a side arm that opens when pressure is applied, allowing the foot to be released in case of a fall. This helps to prevent the rider from being dragged due to their foot being stuck in the stirrup.

Innova Ridings concept of sustainability is about making sure that what we create today will have no negative consequences on present and future generations possibility to live harmoniously on this planet. This ethos resulted in the creation of the Dynamic, a totally plastic-free stirrup engineered from sustainable wood and aluminium. Wood is a modern, resistant and renewable material, so is a great alternative to traditional plastics.

These materials are exceptionally high quality to deliver maximum resistance and durability in all conditions. The slip-resistant wooden pad combined with carefully placed metal pins ensures maximum adherence to the rider's boot, providing excellent stability so that the rider always feels safe and comfortable, and the stirrups are specially designed to help the rider find their best balance while riding.

Not only is the combination of natural wood tones and machined aluminium functional and eco-friendly, it also gives the Dynamic a sleek, attractive look, making them ideal to pair with your existing tack.

From $296.95
MSRP $296.95

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