⭐️Talebar Peppy Charm⭐️ “Peppy” is a nine year old registered AQHA dun gelding standing just over 15.2 hands. Peppy has the most laid back puppy dog…
$14,500Nemo, born July 11,2012. He is a sweetheart. Great trial ride horse, goes through creeks, gullys and over logs. He is used to trains, vehicles, 4 wheelers…
$5,800Friesian Heritage Horse and Sport Horse International, Warlander Heritage Horse. Halter broke and very in your pocket. Handled daily to desensitize very…
$6,500Bonnie has the looks, build and Pedigree to take her in most any direction you want to take to the Winners Circle! She is out of Tiajuana Playboy and Metallic…
$5,989Buttercup is 5 Panel N/N through parentage and will make a great addition to any herd or go most any directions you choose to take her. She has a pretty…
$7,289Missy has the pedigree, build, looks to go most any direction you want to take! She is 5 Panel N/N through parentage, gorgeous head, big hipped, muscled…
$7,789Bambie is 5 Panel N/N through parentage, has a good disposition seems to love people, nice conformation, pretty head and red dun color. She has working…
$5,589Bree has had 30 days training, she is calm, easy to catch, gentle, trims, backs, neck reining has a good start, side passes, she has the basics and just…