16.2 hand 1/2 Belgian 1/2 Percheron mare. Broke to ride. Loads and hauls great, good for the blacksmith. Gentle to work around.
SOLDThis is Fiona, a 15 month old miniature. Sweet as pie and ready for her new home! Stands 32", easy to catch, stands for grooming and the farrier. Great…
SOLDZANS RED HEAD STRANGER 7 year old bay roan mare with a super nice handle. This is another nice horse I have made. Stands at 15.2! She has been used…
SOLDMarley is a great trail horse and will go where you point. She's hauled several kids and beginners, and she's big enough to haul anyone. She's healthy…
SOLDOWEN’S PLEASURE-6 yo ottb mare 16.1 hh. She retired. RRP eligible. She moves across the ground with a long and floaty stride that just screams dressage…
SOLD8yr Old Percheron Gelding 17.3hh After putting some time into this guy we are working on finding him a home again. Pictured is him and I back in September…
SOLDGrade, 4yo buckskin, quarter gelding. Standing 14.3hh, he has had 60 days training under saddle, meaning all the hard parts are done. He is soft and supple…
SOLDWillow 10yr grade 14.3hh mare beginner friendly, trail horse broke, will cross anything, no spook, buck, rear, etc. Has a nice soft lope. Very easy to…