Patton is a 6 month old baby jack. He is working on halter training. Patton is an easy going and sweet boy. He is up to date on shots and worming.
SOLDPaisley is a one year old jenny and she will be a small standard. Her mom is a small standard and her dad is a mini. She is working on halter training…
SOLDNorman is a mini john (gelded jack) and stands 35”. He is 8 years old and walk on a halter and lead. He will come find you in the pasture. Norman is currently…
SOLD37" jack donkey. Dwight is 2 years old. He is utd on shots and worming. He is an easy going guy around other animals but he is not halter broke. Not aggressive…
SOLDIf you can’t handle a little sass, this girl is not for you. Poppy is a 6 year old 39” pony mare. She is equally sweet and spicy! Poppy loves to come visit…
SOLDPending sale. Out of show stock, but selling as pet. She is super sweet correct body. She just is not high end show quality. Her sire is 3 time world…