!!!!!REDUCED!!!!!! Due to divorce, CCQH LUCKY is available. Proven ranch rope horse. Retired to breed and has been out of the game for years. Sound…
SOLD3950 is the exact amount I paid for her and her papers from the original owner. I'd like to get at least that back outta her. We have a 2006 model…
SOLDPatriot is a beautiful, grade paint gelding around the age of 12. Looking for a new barn to call his due to no fault of his own. Since hes been here, we…
SOLDDue to unseen circumstances, we are posting any extras we have that don't have a job or that aren't essential for our program! ? Meet, Justa Diamond…
SOLDWe live in Taylor but the farms 20 mins up the road in Plain Dealing. Stateline basically. This filly is by CCQH LUCKY and out of a money earning, proven…
SOLDMaggie is a very smart and gentle young lady that loves attention. She is out of an unregistered mare and her sire is Stormys Shot N Hank, APHA #949840…
SOLDSOLD 5 year old Registered Arabian / Standardbred Gelding Reg.# CPAR*1A8482 “Abakus Jamaal KE” & “Becca Seelster” Beautifully built, standing 15hh…
SOLD“Here I Come” a.k.a “Vengo” 5 year old Registered Arabian / Standardbred Gelding “Abakus Jamaal KE” & “Becca Seelster” Beautifully built, standing…