Lessons near Southbloomfield, Ohio

Lessons near Southbloomfield, OH

1 - 8 of 387

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Standard Farm Listings

Columbus, OH (4 mi)

Horsemanship, Field Hunter

Dressage, Equitation, Hunter, Jumping, Lesson, Parelli, …
Lessons, Clinics, Trails
Ashville, OH (2 mi)

Welcome! We are a 35-acre boarding and training stable located 14 miles south of Columbus. We accept full boarders and provide twenty 12'x12' and…

All Around, Beginner, Dressage, English Pleasure, …
Boarding, Training, Lessons, Clinics
Circleville, OH (9 mi)

Family owned and opperated.

All Around, Barrel Racing, Beginner, English Pleasure, …
Training, Lessons, Clinics
Paint, Palomino, Quarter Horse
Galloway, OH (20 mi)

Full Training Facility for both Horse and rider. Specialize in the young Jumper and problem horses. We believe in the gentle approach to training…

Advanced, Beginner, Breaking, Competition, Equitation, …
Boarding, Training, Lessons, Clinics, Horseback Riding
Columbus, OH (17 mi)

We train horse and donkey for race .

Boarding, Lessons, Clinics
Canadian, Donkey, Friesian
Beginner, Driving, Jumping, Lesson, Ranch, Show, Trick, Youth
Kingston, OH (18 mi)

Training, Non-Pro and Youth Lessons and Show Team, Quiet & Solid Colt Starting Techniques (Tim has started over 1000) Reining, Reined Cow & All Around…

Advanced, All Around, Beginner, Ground, Lesson, Ranch, …
Training, Lessons, Clinics
Appaloosa, Paint, Palomino, Quarter Horse, Quarter Pony
Grove City, OH (12 mi)

Security safety of Farms Property and horse's 100% Satisfaction MOney Back Guarantee !!!

If you could watch a pregnant mare or when a horse gets lame. You would want to see every move they make on the facility. market to potential clients or potential customers the ability to remotely view in realtime any where in the world instantly. Customers can see their horse anytime in the stall or in the pasture. (I know I would take them to you if I could see them anytime.) They can view your facility and see how clean, safe you keep your training facility. With the remote viewing capability you can market to potential clients that they can always see their investment on schedule for feeding, medication. The veterinarian can even watch from his or her office! if you had a question of behaviour, the vet can monitor the patient from his office without the unnessacary visit fees. I know other farms have clients that drop off their horse or horse's for a few month duration and have that farm trainers train all season long. They visit for a couple of trips and that is all they can do. This is the same for the owners of the horse's the can see the investment being well trained. The riders can see also how the progress is going if they cannot be there. With the capability to show your borders, clients, customers, potential sales viewed in realtime in the stalls, at pasture, or even when the farrier visits. You could possibly go on a vacation and watch your stables from a laptop computer in the airplane. GIve a call or email me I can sit down with you and discuss your options of providing another stepping stone to your top notch facility. It would however increase your visibility with sales. www,jdmksecurity.com
Boarding, Lessons, Clinics, Horseback Riding