
Mustang Mare

Roy, WA

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I got this girl around February and finally got her in a good spot to find a new home.

She’s pony sized (somewhere in 13-14 hands, can’t find my measure to find exact height).
She is about 2-3 years old. She is not a kids horse and I doubt she ever will be. She is fine with kids coming up to pet her and give treats but she seems to be able to figure out that she does not have to listen to them.

She loves chest scratches and in particular but scratches and will follow me around the pasture and back her but up to me to get them.

I am a 23 year old female who has been around horses all of my life. Within the last few years I have gotten into breaking/training in horses. I have successfully done 4 horses all of which were wild. 1 which was my first was more or less tip trained (to be handled, haltered and loaded onto a trailer), two were foals off of a reservation one of which I still have the other I sold last year (both could be lunged, move were you point, handled, loaded onto a trailer and a bare back saddle with a sinch put on them) and lastly a 4 year old mare who I have broke to be ridden.

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