We raise well bred shetland ponies, specializing in the black and white color. Our bloodlines are heavily influenced by Winks Jericho and HP Peaceable…
Breeders of Show-Quality Homozygous Paint Horses. Standing Twist N Boogie, double-homozygous black-and-white tobiano son of Drummin the Boogie and…
Specializing in Cutting and Working Cow Horses- Standing a grandson of Doc OLena and Sak Em San and an own son of Dox Outside Chance-
We offer a wide range of services including basic riding lessons, Specialty Performance Show Lessons, Boarding, Breeding, Pony Parties, and much much…
Painted Sieh ("Sea" ) Horses is dedicated to producing the type of performance horses that the whole family can compete with. The bloodlines incorporate…
We raise Paint horses out of bloodlines of STRAIT FROM TEXAS who has over 2000 APHA points and serveral APHA WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS IN Steer…
We are a little POA farm in NE South Dakota. We have raised POA's for over 50 years. All our ponies have great pedigrees. We always have something…
we breed to only the best, strait from texas blood line we trian and break,