breeding showing and selling quality apha,aqha,phba horses.
Located in North Florida just outside of Tallahassee on 20 acres with two barns, 21 stalls in all, turn out pastures, riding arena, 100+ acres of…
i train quarter horses and thoroughbreds i have a full list of the disiplines i train on my biogrophy on my facebook page. just look under Destiny…
kelly is a superior blend of proven stakes racing blood with a little working ranch horse thrown in. Therefore she is a top notch, beautiful athlete…
Located in east TN ajoining the Cherokee National Forrest. Sitting on many acres in a valley with an elevation of approx 2500'. Home of DESIGN BY…
Small home operated farm. Breeding local horses. We show Western pleasure, halter, speed and game shows locally around the northwoods.
Standing DASHING MOVE FAME a 1D Finished Barrel Horse who has won $$ in Barrels, Poles, and on the Track, OH AND A SON OF DASH TA FAME. DASHING MOVE…