Heaven Can Wait Equine Rescue is located in Cameron, Ontario, Canada - approx 1.5 hours NE of Toronto, just 10 minutes North of Lindsay. This Equine…
Hunter/jumper barn offering quality skill based lesson programs for all ages. Specializing in Therapeutic riding program for all riders. Offering…
A little quiet tucked away place in desbarats, known as Johnson , Ontario. We are also a Rehabilitation Center for injured horses. We now offer…
Established horse stable offering Indoor board only has matted box stalls available.We have 2 Grazing Fields for daily turn out weather permitting…
We are a full service boarding facility. English, western, pleasure. As well as a rehabilitation center. We welcome outside coaches, vets, and blacksmiths…
Pony Rides, Events and Birthday Parties
Serenity Acres opened up in early 2009, as it began as an animal rescue. We later decided that we had much capability of starting our own boarding…
Family operated 12-stall stable located on the Oak Ridges Morraine north of Whitby, ON - over 30 years of experience. Professional staff, access…