6 month old mini Jenny foal available. She is dark brown in color and will shed out almost black. Sweet and very friendly and loves attention! Born here…
$2,100Meet Franklin, Frankie for short. This little guy was born on July 29th, so he wouldn’t be ready to go for awhile yet. We imprinted on him at birth and…
SOLD5 year old gray Jenny with a jack baby at her side. She is 34” high and is calm and easy to catch. She is bred back to our 30.5” spotted jack for next…
SOLDThis little guy has been in the back lot with his mother and other donkeys and ponies most of the winter. He’s small, nicely marked and quiet and easy…
SOLDPair of weaning jacks will be ready to go in December! The grey is 6 months old, the spotted is 4 months old. They are half brothers and will mature around…
SOLDComing 1 year old miniature spotted jack. Currently measures right at 29”. Will mature around 31-32”. Halter broke, enjoys attention. UTD on 5 way, tetanus…