Boarding and training/lesson barn located just outside of Toledo Ohio.
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Full scale boarding, lessons, training, leasing, showing, sales equestrian facility, open year round. Best individualized care for you and your horse…
We are a private facility for personal use, not an operating business. Located on 18.8 acres with a 60'x152' indoor arena. (567)208-0666 RuslanEquestrian…
Boarding Available! board includes, hay, grain, pasture everyday. 30 acres 4 riding, less than an hour from oak openings! lots of room to park trailers…
Boarding, Lessons, leasing
I have been riding a graasy creek fram for 5 to 6 years now. I compete in shows and fairs. Im 13 years old and I love to ride when i can.
I do not have my own farm but I do have a facility owned by my Godfather where I am able to give lessons to riders. It has a full indoor arena and…